

作为一个学者团体, 12bet中文官方平台的学生和教师通过共同遵守荣誉准则,致力于追求卓越的最高标准. 作为美国福音路德教会(ELCA)的大学, 我们理解我们在促进诚信方面的个人和集体责任. 最终, 我们的目标是成为一个从事学术优秀的机构, 善于表达和以道德为中心的人,他们一起学习和研究世界. 我们相信,只有当我们对自己和彼此诚实时,我们才能开始以有意义的方式为世界做出贡献.

Augustana’s 荣誉准则 consists of inter-related elements that guide scholarship and learning; the honor pledge, honor board and a set of judicial procedures that guide the university’s adjudication of academic integrity violations.



荣誉守则阐明了指导我们一起工作的原则. Students will sign an honor pledge on every examination and other assignments deemed appropriate by the faculty member. 荣誉誓言如下:

“我以名誉担保。, 我保证我遵守了荣誉准则, 我在这项任务中所做的工作是诚实的, 而这门课上其他人的工作, 据我所知, 我也很诚实.”




  1. 11人荣誉委员会由6名学生组成, 四名教职员工, 以及负责学术事务的助理副校长,担任董事会主席. 除董事会主席外,所有人都有投票权.
  2. 学生会员, 二年级学生各两张, 初四班, 任期一年,可续期. 学生在春季学期申请荣誉委员会成员. The current 荣誉董事会 will select student members following a review of applications and conducting interviews.
  3. 教职员工是终身教职,将代表三个学术部门. 学院成员由学院管理委员会任命,任期两年.
  4. 荣誉委员会成员应该表现得敏感, 保密, 诚信和专业在他们的活动.


  1. 荣誉委员会负责制定和遵守其程序规则,并对社区进行有关荣誉守则的教育.
  2. 为履行其教育职责,荣誉委员会:
    • 在奥古斯塔大学的第一节课和/或新生入学指导期间,向新生和转学生告知荣誉守则的重要性.
    • 推荐和鼓励特定的通识教育课程,作为适当的场所,以促进学术诚信,并提供违反荣誉准则的工作实例.
    • Communicates to faculty members the importance of expressing their expectations of academic integrity in coursework.
    • 提供节目,以提高整个校园社区的意识.
    • Provides guidance to faculty members regarding syllabus langu年龄 and appropriate consequences for academic integrity violations.
    • 为学生和教职员工提供有关荣誉守则工作的资源.

荣誉守则权利 & 责任

We aim in all our work to foster integrity as an abiding characteristic of the Augustana community. 为此,荣誉守则植根于教师和学生之间的共同契约. The responsibilities of every faculty member and student as vital participants in the 荣誉准则 are defined as follows:

教师的权利 & 责任

  1. 教员的自主权应得到保障, 因为课堂的工作主要是教师的责任.
  2. 教员将选择是否监考.
  3. 所有教员都将在教学大纲中包含确认荣誉守则的声明. 这些声明将包括对可能的处罚的描述. 将提供统一的语文供教职员使用.
  4. 教师将在每次考试和其他教师认为适当的作业中加入荣誉誓言.
  5. 如有学生未签署《12bet游戏平台》或提出疑问,教师将及时与学生联系.
  6. 如果案件被提交给荣誉委员会,提出学术不诚实证据的教职员工将有责任作证.

学生的权利 & 责任

  1. 学生应有正当程序的权利. 这应包括以下权利:
    • 被告知违规行为的性质
    • 为了公正地听取证据,从而对案件作出裁决, either by the professor involved or (at the discretion of the professor involved) by the 荣誉董事会
    • to be accompanied to any hearing before the 荣誉董事会 by an advisor from the Augustana campus community
    • 要求上诉
  2. 学生应在每次考试后以及完成教师认为适当的其他作业后签署荣誉承诺书.
  3. Students who do not sign the pledge will be obligated to speak with the faculty member in regard to the reason. 由于发现其他学生有不诚实行为而不签署诚信承诺书的学生,如果要在荣誉委员会举行听证会,则需要提供书面证词, 但没有义务亲自作证,也将保持匿名.
  4. 被发现违反荣誉守则的学生不允许退出发生违规行为的班级.



  1. Any member of the Augustana University community may file an academic integrity policy complaint against a student. The complaint is brought forward to the appropriate faculty member or to a different faculty member or administrator.
  2. The faculty member or administrator who receives the complaint will forward the complaint to the appropriate faculty member.
  3. 当教员有证据证明奥古斯塔学生有学术欺诈行为时, 学生将被告知收费的细节,并将出示证明证据.


  1. 教员有权独立处理此事.
    • 被教员发现违反荣誉守则的学生将受到处罚,可能导致作业或考试不及格或零分, 或者这门课不及格.
    • 该教员将向负责学术事务的助理副校长提交一封详细说明案件事实和实施制裁的信.
    • The associate vice president for Academic Affairs will send the student a disciplinary warning letter.
    • 先前违反荣誉守则的学生可能会受到更大的处罚,包括纪律留校察看, 停学或开除, and the case may be forwarded by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs to the honor board.
  2. 教职员工可以将此事提交给荣誉委员会.
    • 教员希望将涉及学术不诚实的案件提交给荣誉委员会, 该教员联系负责学术事务的助理副校长,后者通知荣誉委员会需要举行听证会.
    • 荣誉委员会应在充分的信息和充足的时间内通知被指控学生听证会的原因,以确保有机会为听证会做准备.
    • 荣誉委员会将为听证会设定一个日期和时间,使被指控的学生有权迅速审理此案. 除非当事各方同意安排更早的听证会,否则听证会可在通知之日后十天内举行.
    • 负责学术事务的助理副校长(或指定的副校长)将告知被指控的学生有关审理过程和学生的权利.


  1. 至少在预定听证会前一周, the associate vice president for Academic Affairs will inform the student of rights pertaining to the hearing, including the right to call witnesses and the right to obtain an advisor from the Augustana community. 该顾问可以是12bet游戏平台学院的教职员工、行政人员、工作人员或学生团体的成员.
  2. 学生将被告知聆讯的一般程序.
  3. 相关文件将提供给荣誉委员会和被指控的学生. 被告学生的姓名和地址不会出现在证据文件上.
  4. The accused has a right to be accompanied by an advisor who must be a member of the Augustana faculty, 政府, 工作人员, 或者学生团体. 指导老师的参与仅限于与学生进行咨询. 顾问不得进行或指导交叉询问, 做开场白或结束语, 或者参与争论.
  5. 被告将获得一份荣誉委员会成员名单. 被指控的学生可以向负责学术事务的副校长提交一份原因陈述,对最多两名荣誉委员会成员的席位提出质疑.
  6. 荣誉委员会从学术事务助理副校长那里收到机密文件,详细说明指控和相关证据.
  7. 在听证会之前,荣誉委员会成员会对证据进行审查, 在听证会上,审查作为提问的基础.
  8. The accused student must submit the names of requested witnesses and their relevance to the hearing.
  9. The honor board determines who will be summoned to testify and informs potential witnesses of the hearing. (Note: Character witnesses are usually not permitted to testify during the hearing; however, 他们可以代表被指控的学生提交信件.)


  1. A quorum consisting of six voting members (including all 四名教职员工) is needed for a hearing, 出席荣誉委员会的三分之二成员必须同意一项决定.
  2. 在六名现任成员不在的特殊情况下, 负责学术事务的助理副校长可以召集最近在荣誉委员会任职的学生或教师,以构成法定人数. (Note: Because students or faculty with 荣誉董事会 experience may not be available in the early years of this honor code, the associate vice president for Academic Affairs is authorized to appoint alternate members to the board.)
  3. 聆讯不公开进行,以保障诉讼程序的机密性. 听证会应限于荣誉委员会成员, 被传唤出庭者, 以及负责学术事务的副校长作为听证会的召集人, 以及荣誉委员会指定的其他人员.
  4. The associate vice president for Academic Affairs is an ex officio member of the board and presides over the hearing.
  5. 被告有权亲自出庭辩护,并可以传召证人. (参考听证前程序确定证人.)
  6. The accused shall be entitled to refuse to answer questions or may elect not to appear before the honor board. 如果学生选择不出席,听证会将在学生缺席的情况下进行. No student may be found to have violated the honor code solely because the he or she failed to appear at a hearing. 在任何情况下,均应提出和审议支持指控的证据.
  7. 被告有权向荣誉委员会和证人提问.
  8. 如在聆讯进行期间的任何时间, 被邀请的与会者扰乱了会议进程, 主席可以将这些人排除在听证会之外. The chairperson may also direct that the hearing be recessed and that the remainder be conducted in closed session.
  9. 所有在荣誉委员会听证会上的证词, 而且和案子有关, 是否会被记录并可能被录音.
  10. 尽管在听证程序上有相当大的灵活性, 以下描述确定了大多数听证会的一般顺序:
    • 荣誉委员会的召集人审查指控和相关证据, 确保所有参与者都清楚程序.
    • 荣誉委员会将听取证人的证词. 通常情况下,首先听取提出指控的人的意见.
    • Other witnesses, including those testifying on behalf of the accused student, are asked to testify.
    • 被告学生被要求作证.
    • 荣誉委员会可酌情召回证人.


  1. 如果被指控的违规行为被荣誉委员会审理, 在所有证人都出庭后才考虑证据, 董事会成员出席的三分之二多数必须同意一项决定.
  2. 每个案例都是单独考虑的. At a minimum, a student found to have violated the honor code will be placed on disciplinary warning.
    • 纪律警告是指学生违反荣誉守则的书面通知.
    • 如果受到纪律警告, 进一步违规可能会导致留校察看, 停学或开除.
  3. 其他后果包括但不限于:
    • 作业或考试不及格.
    • 课程不及格.
    • Disciplinary probation; a written reprimand for violation of the honor code. 试用期规定了后果的期限和条件. 书面条件还应通知学生在试用期间进一步违反荣誉守则的任何后果. 如果受到纪律处分留校察看, 进一步的违规行为可能会导致停赛, 或驱逐.
    • Recommendation to the associate vice president for Academic Affairs to suspend from the university. 休学是指学生在一段确定的时间内与12bet游戏平台学院分离, 之后学生才有资格返回. 可以规定重新入学的条件.
    • 向负责学术事务的副校长提出开除学生的建议. 开除是指该学生被12bet中文官方平台永久开除.

注:任何受到纪律处分的学生将没有资格在以下任何组织中竞选或继续担任任何民选职位或指定职位至少一年,包括, 但不限于:ASA学生会, 工会管理委员会, 镜子 及新生迎新活动.


  1. 负责学术事务的助理副校长在荣誉委员会做出决定后的五个工作日内以邮件的形式通知学生和相关方. 如果投诉由教职员工解决,该通知也会在五天内发出.
  2. 所有文件、证据、控告和信件的档案应保留备查. 该记录归12bet中文官方平台所有.
  3. 该记录应提供给教员或荣誉委员会以作出决定. 该记录将被转发到教务处.
  4. 荣誉守则记录, 是否由教员编译, 荣誉委员会或教务长应由大学(在教务处)维护,为期七个日历年,从学生最后入学日期开始.
  5. Students who are expelled from the University for violation of the honor code will have such fact noted on their transcript.


  1. 由教职员工或荣誉委员会决定的荣誉准则决定可以在十个工作日内提出上诉,如果通知后没有上课,则可以在两个日历周内提出上诉. 经申请,此时限可延长至十天以上. 申诉应以书面形式提交教务处.
  2. 上诉请求必须明确说明值得考虑的理由. General dissatisfaction with the outcome of the decision shall not be accorded as a basis for consideration of an appeal. The only basis for considering an appeal is the presentation of facts that indicate any of the following:
    • An error in procedural due process that denies the student a fundamentally fair hearing as a result of the error.
    • 原司法机关滥用自由裁量权的严厉制裁.
  3. 根据新的证据提出的上诉请求,不予准许. A new hearing shall be granted if new evidence is presented that would have substantially affected the original decision.
  4. No review by appeal may result in a more severe sanction than that imposed by the original judicial hearing.
  5. The original sanction shall not be invoked until the appeal process is finalized and the case closed.
  6. The appeal decision is final and shall be decided and implemented immediately by the Academic Dean.